Recent changes to enrollment status have brought up some questions regarding the use and definitions of the different status.
Active: Families receiving home visits. Private contacts can only be added for Active guardians with Active children.
Inactive/On Hold: As defined by PAT: " A family can be placed on “Hold” if they intend to return to the program within six months. Reasons for being placed on hold include: migrant work, illness, extended leave from the area, and military deployment. If the hold period extends longer than six months, then the parent educator should implement the program’s procedures for outreach to families who have lost contact."
When a family has been placed "On Hold", the time they are on hold will be subtracted from the equations of time the family received services.
Exit: As defined by PAT: "When a family is no longer receiving PAT services, their status is changed to “Exited.” The exit date and reason should be recorded within 30 days. The exit date for a planned exit is the last day of service. For an unplanned exit, it is the last attempted contact with the family (whether in person, phone, e-mail, text, or letter). Families can exit a program for a variety of reasons. For example, they may move. There could be a change in the family situation leading them to be unable to continue services. Contact with the family may be lost. The enrolled child might age out of the program."
Exit reasons can be set up in the Set Up tab by the main administrator.
Waitlist: Waitlist should only be used for families who are actually waiting for services. Some National and State reports are starting to ask about program waitlists. To get accurate data, you will want to be sure that only the families that are on a true waitlist, have the waitlist status.
Recruit and Mailing Only: There is a little more flexibility for these 2 status. Some programs will use these for "Screening Only" or "Groups Only". You can select to show both of these status on the group attendance list. You can not add private contacts if a guardian is Recruit or Mailing Only, but if a guardian was active, and then moved to one of these status, they will still be counted on your end of year reports.
*MO programs: Recruit and Mailing Only guardians/children will be counted on your MO Invoice report if they had a visit or screening in the program year.
To update/change the status of a guardian or child, you can read more about that here: Tracking Status and Placing Participants "On Hold"
If you have additional questions regarding status, please give us a call or email!