I ran my PAT APR report and Tobacco Cessation is coming up as:
0 Numerator
0 Denominator
Can you tell me where my staff enters this information or how it is being generated? I want to make sure we are entering in the right place to meet that outcome.
When the home visitor is on the Tobacco Survey, the question "Does guardian use tobacco products or electronic nicotine delivery systems?" will need to be marked Yes, and then another question will appear asking "Is the guardian already receiving Tobacco Cessation services?". This question will need to be marked "No" at the time of enrollment to be counted in the Denominator.
Once a plan has been created, a new tobacco item will need to be created with the cessation question is then marked "Yes". This will then put the family in the Numerator.
There are several components to this question, so it can be quite confusing. Please let us know if you have additional questions!