1. Open up a Drop Box account
Visit Tracker integrates with Drop Box allowing home visitors to upload files through the Visit Tracker user interface into a Drop Box account owned by an administrator.
See Uploading Files to Families for details on how users can upload files.
2. Go to Setup > My Account > File Upload
This section is where you can add your Drop Box credentials and enable uploads.
Getting your Drop Box credentials
1. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
2. Create App
3. Go to Permissions
4. Click on Settings > Get App Key & App Secret
5. Add URL Redirect
Add the following URLs:
- https://visittrackerweb.com/VT/Setup/DropboxAuth
- https://www.visittrackerweb.
Once credentials have been added to SETUP > FILE UPLOAD, click Save and start uploading