Who is included in the report?
Families and children that have at least 1 private contact within their latest enrollment period in the date range of the report.
NOTE: The family has to be assigned to a home visitor that is marked as a PAT Affiliate on the Home Visitor Data page.
What do you mean by latest enrollment period?
- An enrollment period is the period of time between Active and Exit statuses.
- The latest enrollment period as of the last day in the report date range is the enrollment period used to determine whether the family is new or returning. There has to be at least 1 private contact within this period in the report date range.
- Here's a scenario to help explain
- A family exits at the beginning of the reporting period and then re-enrolls toward the end of the same reporting period.
- If the family does not have a private contact scheduled before the end of the reporting period AND within the period of their re-enrollment, they will not be counted.
Report Date Range
Why is the End Date automatically defaulting to 1 year from the start date chosen and cannot be edited?
The 2021-2022 APR updates put out by PATNC have very specific dates indicated in many of the APR items. Those dates are based on a 12 month reporting period of 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022.
Additionally, there are very specific definitions for counting NEW families and children to be counted as either newly enrolled before the reporting period or during the reporting period.
Knowing that some programs have different dates for their reporting period, programs can choose the report start date. But in order to show the specific dates considered for each APR item, the End Date must be 12 months from the Start Date even if it's a future date.
Here's an example to help illustrate.
If you run the APR 2021-2022 with a start date of 7/1/2021, new families whose first private visit is between 3/4/2021 and 3/3/2022 will be reported as a New Family because they reached - or can reach - 120 days of enrollment in the reporting period of 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2021.
- If the family's 1st private contact is between 3/4/2021 and 6/30/2021, then they will be reported as a New Family > Previous Year (items II2 and II2a).
- If the family's 1st private contact is between 7/1/2021 and 3/3/2022, they they will be reported as a New Family > This Year (items II2 and II2b).
If you run the APR 2021-2022 with a start date of 5/15/2021, new families whose first private visit is between 1/16/2021 and 1/15/2022 will be reported as a New Family because they reached - or can reach - 120 days of enrollment in the reporting period of 5/15/2021 - 15/14/2022.
- If the family's 1st private contact is between 1/16/2021 and 5/14/2021, then they will be reported as a New Family > Previous Year (items II2 and II2a).
- If the family's 1st private contact is between 5/15/2021 and 1/15/2022, they they will be reported as a New Family > This Year (items II2 and II2b).
These dates indicated in the example will be shown in the APR text.