Step-by-step instructions on how to update a referral.
STEP 1: Locate the referral
Referrals can be located in 2 places
- Home page - When you first login, referrals whose Referral Status = Delivered will show here.
- CIAT/Referrals List page - Lists all referrals
Home Page
CIAT/Referrals List
STEP 2: Review the family's Intake History
Once you click on the Review button, you will be brought to the Intake History page for that family. Because a family can have more than 1 referral, be sure to review their history and make sure you are updating the correct referral.
This family has 1 referral
This family has more than 1
STEP 3: Click the Review/Update button for the referral
STEP 4: Review the referral's history and click Update Referral
STEP 5: Update the Referral Status
For details about each Referral Status, go to the tutorial Referral Status Definitions.
STEP 6: Update completed. Back to Intake History
After saving, you'll be automatically returned to the family's Intake History and be able to see both the "successfully updated" message and latest referral information.