When a parent/guardian No Shows or Cancels a visit, go to Contacts, and for that visit, click on the "Edit" icon on the right (the pencil).
When the Edit screen comes up, change the Contact Type from Private to No Show or Canceled.
No Show - you arrive at the home or visit meeting place and the parent/guardian is not there
Canceled by Program - the organization you work for is closed (ie snow day).
Canceled by Parent - Parent/guardian calls to cancel and reschedule.
Canceled by Home Visitor - You, as the home visitor, need to reschedule the visit.
If there is a PVR or Planning Guide, it will ask you "You have a PVR created for this contact. Do you want to save the PVR data by rescheduling a private contact?" Select "Yes" and enter your rescheduled date. If you say "No", then it will delete the PVR or Planning Guide. We can not recover a deleted PG or PVR.
If you haven't rescheduled the visit yet, wait to change the status of the visit until you have rescheduled. This will help to not delete any visits records.
** If you don't have a Planning Guide or Visit Record, there will not be a reschedule option. You will mark this visit as a canceled visit, and then add a new Private Contact with the rescheduled date.