Question: I had a family I exited from the program and they are now back in contact and we have an upcoming visit scheduled. How do I get them back into my system?
Answer: If the guardian is exited, you can go to the Family tab, and on the left, click on "Non-Actives" ---> Exited Families. The date range will default to 07/01/2016 - today, so if the family exited prior to 7/1/16, you may need to change that first date. You can use the "Search" field in the upper right corner to search for the guardian by name. Once they come up in the list, click the green Reactivate button. It will ask you for the current start date.
Please note, there is a "change child status" check box. This currently is NOT working as it should. You will need to reactive any children as well. You can use the same steps as you did for the guardian, but go to the Children tab --> Non-Actives.